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More Significant Verdicts & Recoveries
Misdiagnosis of cervical cancer, metastatic cancer, colostomy.
Strep infection, brain injury.
Epidural hematoma resulting in paralysis.
Misread pap smear resulting in cervical cancer.
Misdiagnosis of cervical cancer, misread PAP smears, wrongful death.
Ford epidural abscess resulting in paralysis.
Gastric bypass, partial loss of eyesight.
Motor vehicle accident involving a 26 year-old victim of a collision caused by defendant disregarding traffic lights when turning.
Automobile accident, leg fracture, brain injury.
Hospital acquired bedsore.
Misdiagnosis of malignant melanoma, wrongful death.
Wrongful death of victims after he was struck by bricks falling from an unsafe structure.
Birth injury, brain damage to baby, cerebral palsy.
Rear-end motor vehicle accident.
Surgical error during hysteroscopy, wrongful death.
Misdiagnosis of PAP smear, metastatic cancer, wrongful death.
Debilitating injuries suffered in a two vehicle collision.
Stroke in the ER.
Victim of sexual abuse at a school.
Misdiagnosis of prostate cancer, metastatic cancer, wrongful death.
Disabling injuries caused when a tractor-trailer side-swiped victim’s car.
RH Alloimmunization hearing loss.
Medical Malpractice during pregnancy and premature delivery resulted in infant suffering multiple permanent injuries
Automobile accident herniated discs.
Automobile accident, wrongful death.
Truck rear-ended 40 year old victim’s car causing permanent injuries.
Automobile accident, wrongful death.
Permanent physical and psychological injuries caused by a rear-end collision.
Wrongful death of a construction worker when safety standards were not met at the construction site.
Misdiagnosis of pap smear, cervical cancer
Pharmacy malpractice, wrong prescription, brain damage.
Misdiagnosis of dissecting aortic aneurysm, wrongful death.
Automobile accident, herniated discs.
43 year-old slipped and fell outside a restaurant on uneven sidewalk suffering permanent injuries.
Drunk driver struck plaintiff causing permanent injuries.
Permanent injuries suffered as a result of a tractor trailer rear-ending another tractor trailer.
Erb’s palsy, shoulder dystocia.
Automobile accident, traumatic brain injury.
Misdiagnosis of dissecting aortic aneurysm.
Misdiagnosis of diverticulitis, peritonitis, nerve damage.
Workplace injury caused by defective forklift.
Motor vehicle collision involving a 38 year-old injured victim.
Wrongful death of a 79 year-old passenger as a result of a head on collision.
Collision caused when a vehicle pulled out of a driveway in front of plaintiff’s automobile resulting in permanent injuries.
Misdiagnosis of breast cancer, metastatic cancer, wrongful death.
Surgical error during laparoscopic gall bladder surgery.
Surgical error, orthopedic surgery, nerve damage.
Misdiagnosis of toxic megacolon, wrongful death.
Neurological problems resulting from medical malpractice while performing an epidural.
Anesthesia malpractice during intubation, partial blindness.
Wrongful death resulting from a fatal overdose of Dilaudid administered at a hospital emergency department.
Victim was sexually molested by a bus driver who transported him to school.
Misdiagnosis of coronary artery disease, wrongful death.
Misdiagnosis of uterine cancer, metastatic cancer, wrongful death.
Collision as a result of vehicle running a red light causing plaintiff permanent injuries.
Nursing home resident suffered blindness as a result of nursing home malpractice.
Surgical error, brain damage, wrongful death.
Negligent care of a nursing home resident resulted in wrongful death.
Misdiagnosis of breast cancer, metastatic cancer.
Wrongful death of a 62 year-old when car was struck by a tractor trailer.
Surgical error during catheter placement, partial blindness.
Victim suffered disabling injuries when he fell over a motel balcony that did not meet safety standards.
Permanent injuries suffered in a rear-end collision.
Slip and fall, sinus fracture.
Surgical error, punctured artery during laparoscopy.
Permanent injuries suffered in a rear-end collision which resulted in a front-end collision.
Misread pap smear.
Surgical error during chest surgery, wound, wrongful death.
Misdiagnosis of prostate cancer.
Misdiagnosis of breast cancer, mastectomy.
42 year-old victim injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Injuries as a result of a head-on collision.
Dog bite resulting in permanent hand injuries disabling victim who was a dentist.
Victim suffered permanent hip injuries when a dog jumped on her causing her to fall.
Rear-end motor vehicle accident. Full policy limit.
Policy Limit
Birth trauma.